Ms Office Mcq Question Part 1
Ms Office Mcq Include All topic which is Ms Word, Ms Excel, and Ms Powerpoint. These all question related to your Ms Office Exam, CCC Exam, Computer Basic Exam, Interview Preparation.
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#1. In MS-Excel , "Full Screen View" option is available in __________________tab.
#2. Mouse has _______________ buttons
#3. In Excel, Rows are labelled as ______
#4. In MS-Excel , "Name Manager" option is available in __________________tab.
#5. In MS-Excel , "Clear Formatting" option is available in __________________tab.
#6. In MS-PowerPoint , "Transition Sound" option is available in__________________ tab.
#7. From these _______________ function is used in MS-Excel.
#8. ROM, CPU and RAM are installed on _______________ .
#9. 1 Byte= _______________ Bits
#10. Father of Indian Super Computer ______________
#11. To delete a slide from the presentation _______________ option is used.
#12. In MS-Excel , "Middle Align" option is available in __________________ tab.
#13. All Formulas must start with a ____________ sign.
#14. In MS-Excel , "Format Cells" option is available in __________________ tab.
#15. In MS-PowerPoint , "Slide Layout" option is available in __________________tab.
#16. In MS-Excel , "Evaluate Formula" option is available in __________________tab.
#17. Word Processor is best Program for ______________.
#18. In MS-Excel , "Advanced Filter" option is available in __________________tab.
#19. In MS-Excel , "Sort Z to A" option is available in __________________ tab.
#20. In MS-Excel , "View Side by Side two Worksheet" option is available in________________ tab.
#21. In MS-PowerPoint , "Slide Transition" option is available in__________________ tab.
#22. In MS-PowerPoint , "Themes Effects" option is available in__________________ tab.
#23. In MS-Excel , "Allow Users to Edit Ranges" option is available in__________________ tab.
#24. In MS-Excel , "Create from Selection" option is available in__________________ tab.
#25. In MS-Excel , "Data Range Properties" option is available in __________________ tab.
#26. In MS-Excel , "Zoom 100%" option is available in __________________ tab.
#27. Page Orientation can be portrait or ______________________.
#28. In MS-Excel , "Data Validation" option is available in __________________tab.
#29. Windows is a program that provides _______________.
#30. In MS-Excel , "Align Text Bottom" option is available in __________________tab.
#31. By default work book contains _______________.
#32. The options Portrait and Landscape comes under ________
#33. DVD-Drive can store approximately ___________________ of information.
#34. How We can save any file on desktop?
#35. RAM is ___________________ Memory.
#36. By Default the Column Width is _______________.
#37. You can start power point application with following step...
#38. In MS-Excel , "Page Layout View" option is available in __________________tab.
#39. In MS-PowerPoint , "Record Narration" option is available in__________________ tab.
#40. How we can put a Chart in the presentation using PowerPoint?
#41. In MS-Excel , "Rename Sheet" option is available in __________________tab.
#42. Extension of WordPad File is _______________. .
#43. In MS-PowerPoint , "Slide Orientation" option is available in__________________ tab.
#44. To create Simple Text Document _______________Program is used
#45. In MS-PowerPoint , "Pure Black & White" option is available in__________________ tab.
#46. Extension of Power point presentation file is _______________. .
#47. Which feature is used to make selected sentence to All Capital Letters or All Small Letters?
#48. _______________ was the first computer programmer.
#49. In MS-Excel , "Insert Sheet Rows" option is available in __________________tab.
#50. To find a particular text in the current document _______________ key is used
#51. Founder of Google ___________
#52. In MS-PowerPoint , "Shape Fill” option is available in __________________tab.
#53. What are the steps to insert slide numbers?
#54. To change wallpaper on the desktop, we have to select ____________option from control panel display.
#55. In MS-PowerPoint , "On Mouse Click" option is available in__________________ tab.
#56. In MS-PowerPoint , "Slide Show from Current Slide" option is available in________________tab.
#57. In MS-Excel , "Insert Pie Chart" option is available in __________________tab.
#58. _______________ of the following are valid Min. & Max. zoom sizes in MS-Office.
#59. Short Cut Key for Replace ___________
#60. When you create a file using paint it will be saved with _______________ extension .
#61. Full form of USB ____________________, Type in the following text box.
#62. In MS-Excel , "Freeze Panes” option is available in __________________ tab.
#63. Power point program is available in _______________.
#64. In MS-PowerPoint , "Slide Sorter" option is available in __________________tab.
#65. In MS-Excel , "Previous Comment” option is available in __________________tab.
#66. Which one is Correct Website Name?
#67. In MS-Excel , "Pivot Table" option is available in __________________ tab.
#68. 1 GB = _______________ bytes
#69. In MS-Excel , "Autosum" option is available in __________________ tab.
#70. First Cell in Range is separated from Last Cell with a _______________ symbol.
#71. In Excel, Columns are labelled as______
#72. In MS-Excel , "Insert Sheet" option is available in __________________ tab.
#73. Select correct email id ______
#74. Backups protect us against _______________.
#75. _______________ key is used to draw Straight Line.
#76. In MS-Excel , "Format as Table" option is available in __________________tab.
#77. I.T. can be used in _______________.
#78. Text that you want to appear at the Top or Bottom of all Pages must be given in _______________.
#79. In MS-Excel , "Get External Data from Web" option is available in__________________ tab.
#80. The short cut key for freeze columns is ______________.
#81. In MS-PowerPoint , "Resolution" option is available in __________________tab.
#82. How we insert picture in shapes?
#83. The by default the Row Height is _______________.
#84. How we remove duplicate data?
#85. Father of Computer____________
#86. In MS-Excel , "Row Height" option is available in __________________ tab.
#87. All the cell references are prefixed by _______________sign.
#88. Select Step for Create New Folder on Desktop.
#89. Set Page Border for page which step you uses:
#90. MS-Word allows creation of _______________type of documents by default .
#91. Founder of Facebook ________________
#92. _______________is an output device
#93. Spreadsheets should be best used for ___________________.
#94. In MS-Excel , "Percent Style" option is available in __________________ tab.
#95. To move a files across the internet from a remote computer to your computer is called _______________.
#96. Full form of SSD ____________________, Type in the following text box.
#97. In MS-Word, the feature that recognizes common typing mistakes and automatically substitutes the correct spelling is _______________.
#98. In MS-Excel , "Autofit Column Width" option is available in__________________ tab.
#99. ____________________ is not a unit of Computer Memory.
#100. Full form of DOS ____________________,Type in the following text box.