Category English Grammar

English Grammar इंग्लिश के सभी व्याकरण को एक दम सरल भाषा में लिखे है. जिसमे तरह तरह के उदाहरण और नियमो के साथ बताया गया है.

50 List of Proverb in Hindi Meaning

Grammar Tips

50 List of Proverb in Hindi Meaning Muhavare English to Hindi More Than 50 List of Proverb in Hindi Meaning Drive to your left. वाहन अपनी बाईं ओर चलाये। Keep your lane. अपनी रास्ता बना कर रखो। Give proper signal…

More than 100 List of Singulars Plurals

More than 100 List of Singulars Plurals SINGULAR NOUNS – list of singulars PLURAL NOUNS Pants, scissors पैंट, कैंची  Pants, scissors Trousers ट्राउजर  Trousers Leaf, thief पत्ता, चोर Leaves, thieves Loaf, calf, shelf पाव रोटी, बछड़ा, शेल्फ Loaves, calves, shelves Knife, wife, wolf चाकू, पत्नी,…

Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me

Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me

Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me Able to Unable to english grammar in hindi class 10 english grammar syllabus Rules : यदि वाक्य में Can हो तो उस वाक्य में Can हटा कर सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार is/am/are के…

400 List of Opposite word in hindi and English

opposite word

400 List of Opposite word in hindi and English 400 List of Opposite word in hindi and English Motivational हिंदी की दिल को छु लेने वाली शायरी व quote के लये यहाँ क्लिक करे. English के और भी grammar के लिए क्लिक करें. Mumbai SSC Board से जुडी किताबों को download करने के लिए…

50 List of Homophones Mumbai SSC Board English Grammar

50 List of Homophones Mumbai SSC Board English Grammar 50 List of Homophones Write Homophones for the following. See        –              She, sea, c Wood    –              would Tea         –              T Pea        –              P, Pee No          –              Know There    –              their Beach   …