Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me

Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me

Able to Unable to english grammar in hindi

Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me
Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me

class 10 english grammar syllabus

Rules :

  • यदि वाक्य में Can हो तो उस वाक्य में Can हटा कर सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार is/am/are के साथ able/unable तो प्रयोग करेंगे.
  • यदि वाक्य में Could हो तो उस वाक्य में could हटा कर सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार was/were के साथ able/unable तो प्रयोग करेंगे.
  • एक बात का ध्यान रहे unable का प्रयोग प्राय: आपको नकारात्मक वाक्य के साथ ही करना होता है.
  • जैसे जिस वाक्य में not, no,never,nothing,neither,nor जैसे शब्द हो तो उसे नकारात्मक वाक्य कहते है.
  • ऐसे वाक्य का unable बनाते समय उत्तर में not, no,never,nothing,neither,nor इन्हें हटा देंगे.
helping verb Rulesप्रयोग
canis/am/areis =singular word ,name,(He,She,It) इन सबके साथ प्रयोग होगा
am= I
are=plurals(You,We,They)इन सबके साथ प्रयोग होगा
Couldwas/werewas=singular word ,name,(He,She,It)इन सबके साथ प्रयोग होगा
were=plurals(You,We,They)इन सबके साथ प्रयोग होगा
did +notverb का सेकंड फॉर्म का इस्तेमाल करते है.
Does+not verb के साथ “s/es” लगाते है
Do +notVerb का फर्स्ट फॉर्म या लगाते है
Able to Unable to english grammar in hindi

इन सब नियमों को बारी बारी देखते है.

Make Able to Unable to

He can do this work. : Ans: He is able to do this work.

  • सबसे पहले वाक्य वैसे ही शुरू करेंगे जैसे दिया है. इस वाक्य को भी हमने वैसे ही शुरू किया  है. पहले He लिखा.
  • अब देखो He के बाद helping verb Can है, तब Can को हटा देते है और नियम के अनुसार is/am/are में subject में He लिखा है इसलिए यहाँ “is के साथ साथ able to या फिर unable to लिखेंगे. इस लिए अब हमारा उत्तर होगा – He is able to.
  • इसके बाद अंत में जो भी शब्द बचे हो उसे वैसे ही आगे लिख देंगे. तो अब पूरा उत्तर होगा- He is able to do this work.

कुछ समझ आया होगा एक और उदाहरण देखते है.

Abhay can not go for picnic.: Abhay is not able to go for picnic.

  • सबसे पहले वाक्य वैसे ही शुरू करेंगे जैसे दिया है. इस वाक्य को भी हमने वैसे ही शुरू किया  है. पहले Abhay लिखा.
  • अब देखो Abhay के बाद helping verb Can है, तब Can को हटा देते है और नियम के अनुसार is/am/are में subject में Abhay लिखा है इसलिए यहाँ “is के साथ साथ able to या फिर unable to लिखेंगे. इस लिए अब हमारा उत्तर होगा – Abhay is able to.
  • इसके बाद अंत में जो भी शब्द बचे हो उसे वैसे ही आगे लिख देंगे. तो अब पूरा उत्तर होगा- Abhay is not able to go for picnic.

कुछ समझ आया होगा एक और उदाहरण देखते है. जिसमे could हो –

  • could वाले वाक्य सब वैसा ही रहेगा बस ध्यान रहे Can के जगह could होगा.
  • अब could को हटा कर was/were का प्रयोग करेंगे. बाकि सभी नियम ज्यो का त्यों ही रहेगा. जैसे-

Astha Could join our team. Ans: Astha was able to join our team.

  • यहाँ आप देखोगे कि सभी नियन can के नियम कि ही तरह है. बस यहाँ पर could हटा कर was / were का प्रयोग किये है.

अब देखते है नकारात्मक वाक्य :

यदि वाक्य नकारात्मक होतो उसे नकारात्मक ही रखेंगे.

  • यदि वाक्य में Can not /Could+ not हो तो unable to बनाना हो to उस वाक्य में सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार is/am/are/was/were के साथ unable तो प्रयोग करेंगे और not को हटा देंगे.
  • यदि वाक्य में Can not /Could+ not हो तो able to बनाना हो to उस वाक्य में सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार is/am/are/was/were के साथ able to तो प्रयोग करेंगे और not को नहीं हटाएंगे.
  • यदि नकरात्मक वाक्य को सकारात्मक बनाना होतो unable to का प्रयोग करेंगे. जैसे

Aadi can not learn something. (Make Unable to )
Ans: Aadi is Unable to learn something.

Aadi can not learn something. (Make able to )
Ans: Aadi is not able to learn something.

*यह देखो एक ही वाक्य के Able to Unable to जैसे प्रश्न कहे वैसे उत्तर बनाया गया है.

ध्यान रहे : बाकि किसी भी helping verb के वही helping verb का प्रयोग करते है.

Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me
Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me

कुछ उदाहरण नीचे दिए गए है बारी बारी सभी वाक्य देखते है.

Exclamatory Sentences hindi me के बारे में पढ़े.

पढ़ने और लैपटॉप रखने के लिए डेस्क एक दम कम दाम में खरीदना हो तो IBS Wooden Adjustable Foldable Multi-Function Portable Laptop Table/Study Table (Brown) Pack of 1 क्लिक करें.

Q. Make Able to Unable to

Eg.: I can not try this question : I am unable to try this question.

Radhika could not read book : Radhika was unable to read book.

परन्तु यह जरुरी नहीं की not वाले वाक्य में unable का प्रयोग ही करेंगे यदि ऐसे प्रश्न में ऐसे वाक्य को able में ही करने कहे तो उसे able तो में बना सकते है जैसे:

Aadi can not run fast.(Use able to) : Ans: Aadi is not able to run fast.
I can not jump. (Use able to ) Ans: I am not able to jump.

able to unable to sentences Able to Unable to

Q. Make Able to sentences.

  1. I can play. (Use able to)
    Ans. I am able to play.
  2. He could tell me. (Use able to)
    Ans. He was able to tell me.
  3. They could tell me. (Use able to)
    Ans. They were able to tell me.
  4. She can work. (Use able to )
    Ans. She is able to work.
  5. I can write a letter.
    Ans. I am able to write a letter.
  6. She could not eat a mango.
    Ans. She was not able to eat a mango.
  7. She could not eat sandwich. (Able to Unable to)
    Ans. She was not able to eat sandwich.
  8. I cannot dance.
    Ans. I am not able to dance.
  9. I cannot write an essay.
    Ans. I am not able to write an essay.
  10. He can not speak English before strangers.
    Ans. He is not able to speak English before strangers.

Q. Make Unable to sentences. एक बात ध्यान रखे unable to प्रयोग not, no,never,nothing,neither,nor को हटा देंगे

  1. I can not do my work myself.
    Ans. I am unable to do my work myself.
  2. Rekha can not read the English newspaper.
    Ans. Rekha is unable to read the English newspaper.
  3. Ravi cannot play cricket.
    Ans. Ravi is unable to play cricket.
  4. I can not walk.
    Ans. I am unable to walk.
  5. He cannot write.
    Ans. He is unable to write.
  6. I cannot run fast.
    Ans. I am unable to run fast.
  7. My brother cannot speak English
    Ans. My brother is unable to speak English.
  8. He could not to go to college.
    Ans. He was unable to go to college.
  9. He can not read.
    Ans. He’s unable to read.
  10. He can not do it.
    Ans. He is unable to do it.

Able to Unable to english grammar in hindi

Practice Question list

  1. He cannot do that.
    Ans. He’s unable to do that.
  2. He does not seem swim.
    Ans. He seems unable to swim.
  3. He can buy a car.
    Ans. He is unable to buy a car.
  4. I can not function alone.
    Ans. I’m unable to function alone.
  5. I have not been contact tom.
    Ans. I’ve been unable to contact Tom.
  6. Aastha cannot work this week.
    Ans. Aastha is unable to work this week.
  7. She cannot cope with stress.
    Ans. She is unable to cope with stress.
  8. I cannot answer that question.
    Ans. I’m unable to answer that question.
  9. It seems that he cannot swim.
    Ans. It seems that he is unable to swim.
  10. I could not look her in the face.
    Ans. I was unable to look her in the face.
  11. He cann provide for his family.
    Ans. He is able to provide for his family.
  12. I could got to his birthday party
    Ans. I was able to go to his birthday party.
  13. I am sorry I can’t attend your party
    Ans. I am sorry I am unable to attend your party.
  14. Aadi could decide who he should vote for.
    Ans. Aadi was able to decide who he should vote for.
  15. Abhay could understand anything Mary said.
    Ans. Abhay was able to understand anything Mary said.
  16. It seems that Tom can’t solve the problem.
    Ans. It seems that Tom is unable to solve the problem.
  17. Abhay couldn’t go because he was unable to get permission.
    Ans. Abhay was not able to go because he was unable to get permission

Able to Unable to english grammar in hindi

अब वाक्य में Able to Unable to दिया होगा उसे हटा कर assertive sentence सामान्य वाक्य में बदलना होतो ऊपर दिए सभी नियम के उलटे काम करेंगे. जैसे

Abhay was unable to escape.
Ans. Abhay could not escape.

I was unable to go outside.
I could not go outside.

जहाँ was unable to है उसे हटा कर could not कर दिए है.

I am able to prevent this.
I can prevent this.

We are unable to rescue Tom.
We can not rescue tom.

जहाँ am not able to या are/is able to है उसे हटा कर can या can’t कर दिए है.

Abhay was unable to concentrate.
Abhay could not concentrate.

Sorry, but I am unable to do so.
Sorry, but I can not do so.

Abhay lay in bed, He is able to sleep.
Abhay lay in bed, He can sleep.

He was unable to read much of it.
He could not read much of it.

I was able to stand any longer.
I could stand any longer.

Practice के लिए कुछ प्रश्न

  1. Abhay was unable to hide his tears.
  2. Astha is unable to buy a computer.
  3. I was unable to complete the task.
  4. I am unable to agree on that point
  5. We were able to follow his logic.
  6. Abhay is able to conceal his anger.

Answer of the following.

  1. Abhay could not hide his tears.
  2. Astha can not buy a computer.
  3. I could not complete the task.
  4. I can not agree on that point
  5. We could follow his logic.
  6. Abhay can conceal his anger.


आपने इस post Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me के माध्यम से बहुत कुछ जानने को मिला होगा. और आपको हमारी दी गयी जानकारी पसंद भी आया होगा. हमारी पूरी कोशिश होगी कि आपको हम पूरी जानकारी दे सके.जिससे आप को जानकारियों को जानने समझने और उसका उपयोग करने में कोई दिक्कत न हो और आपका समय बच सके. साथ ही साथ आप को वेबसाइट सर्च के जरिये और अधिक खोज पड़ताल करने कि जरुरत न पड़े.

यदि आपको लगता है Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me इसमे कुछ खामिया है और सुधार कि आवश्यकता है अथवा आपको अतिरिक्त इन जानकारियों को लेकर कोई समस्या हो या कुछ और पूछना होतो आप हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में कमेंट करके पूछ सकते है.

और यदि आपको Able to Unable to English Grammar Hindi Me की जानकरी पसंद आती है और इससे कुछ जानने को मिला और आप चाहते है दुसरे भी इससे कुछ सीखे तो आप इसे social मीडिया जैसे कि facebook, twitter, whatsapps इत्यादि पर शेयर भी कर सकते है.


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