More than 100 proverb and quote

More than 100 proverb and quote

short proverbs quotes

More than 100 proverb and quote
More than 100 proverb and quote
These are here. We use in essay writing, play board making, in speech with is related to nature, earth, greenery, habits, environment, inspirational etc.

proverb quotes about life

More than 100 proverb and quote

A culture is only as healthy as its woods.

Act like you live here.

Air is nothing but life, if polluted how can we survive

Bharat me ped lagao,hara banao

Bikes not bombs

Bumper Sticker: “America is full of selfish gasholes!”

Clean the air, live happily.

Desh ko unnti ke shikher par lao

Don’t be mean Go green

Don’t waste water.

Earth allows you to stand. Let it stand the way it is.

Earth Day Every Day

Earth isn’t disposable.

Earth needs YOU.

More than 100 proverb and quote

proverbs about life

Sandeep Maheshwari ke motivational thought सुनने के लिए क्लिक करें.

Easier saving paper than planting trees.

Eat, Sleep, Recycle

Embrace the green revolution

Every day is Earth Day

Every time history repeats itself the price goes up.

Get off your ass and save on gas!

Give a hoot. Don’t pollute

Give a toot. Don’t pollute!

Go Green- More than 100 proverb and quote

Go green or go home

Green doings brings green rewards

Green is my favorite color

Green Queen

Green revolution the best solution to arrest pollution

Green the earth

Heal the world! Make it a better place!

How about you?

I am a friend of nature

I brake for litter

I hear the Eco

I heart trees

If you don’t clean your planet, Mother Nature’s not gonna be happy.

It’s easy being Green

Jal hai to kal hai

Join the green side. – More than 100 proverb and quote

Just say no to hummers

Keep our forests green

Keep our oceans blue

Make conservation a habit.

Make do and mend

Make tea not war

Make trees not stumps

Make trees not tractors

Nature saves us so we have to save them!

Nurture Nature For Our Future!

One raindrop raises the sea.

Plant a tree

Plants and Animals Died To Make Room For Your Fat A$$!

Pollution, pollution green is the solution.

Protect our environment, keep it safe; tomorrow, we’ll be saved!

Reduce reuse recycle

Respect your Elders (and Oaks, Pines and Hickorys too)

Reuse the past, recycle the present, save the future

Save a tree, hug me instead!

Save our planet think green.

Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the Planet!

Save the earth or die!

Save the earth, plant a tree!

Save The Earth, Win The LIFE – More than 100 proverb and quote

Save the Planet

Save the trees!


Save water drink beer

Save water, shower with a friend

Save Your Mother!

Snow is melting the Earth is crying!

Stop, Drop, Recycle

Take a train, not a plane!

Take care of earth and she will take care of you

Take the bus; don’t fuss!

Take up the spade of justice.

The less you burn, the more you earn

The thing that burns never returns

There is no Planet B.

Think green and live green

Think green.

Think… before you print.

To print or not to print

To sit in the shade, you have to save paper first

Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage

Turn it off at the wall

We are Greenagers

We have an environment?

We’ve only One World

What about you?

What would Nature do?

When It’s bright, turn off the light

When the Earth dies, where will you live?

When the honeybees disappear, it’s only a matter of time.

When the last tree is cut down, the last river poisoned, and the last fish caught, will we realize that we can’t eat money?

Where do you think the Environment is?

Why yes, I eat granola

Will Work for Trees

You eat your french fries, I’ll make my biodiesel

You must be the change you wish to see in the world

Your planet needs you.

You’ve only got one planet. Don’t trash it.

Better earth, better life, better tomorrow…

love the earth cause earth loves us

save the earth ..yes!!save it cause earth also save us..

The earth is your mother

Going Green… All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

Its me or the Hummer (Says a polar bear)

There’s no bowl of soup big enough for Mother Earth’s Soul

Be Clean. Go Green.

Green is so the new black.

Help stop global warming one iceberg at a time.

Got hybrid?

Go green or go home.

Reuse the past, Recycle the present, Save the future!


Today’s wastage is tomorrows shortage so start now saving the earth for tomorrow may be too late

Reuse the past, recycle the present, save the earth and go green.

No child left indoors

Act mature, act for nature.

Nurture Nature For Our Future!

Nature is beauty, don’t make it junk!

Go green! It’s clean!

Garbage segregation key to a clean and beautiful nation.

50 List of Proverb in Hindi Meaning

आपने इस post More than 100 proverb and quote के माध्यम से बहुत कुछ जानने को मिला होगा. और आपको हमारी दी गयी जानकारी पसंद भी आया होगा. हमारी पूरी कोशिश होगी कि आपको हम पूरी जानकारी दे सके.जिससे आप को जानकारियों को जानने समझने और उसका उपयोग करने में कोई दिक्कत न हो और आपका समय बच सके. साथ ही साथ आप को वेबसाइट सर्च के जरिये और अधिक खोज पड़ताल करने कि जरुरत न पड़े.

यदि आपको लगता है More than 100 proverb and quote इसमे कुछ खामिया है और सुधार कि आवश्यकता है अथवा आपको अतिरिक्त इन जानकारियों को लेकर कोई समस्या हो या कुछ और पूछना होतो आप हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में कमेंट करके पूछ सकते है.

और यदि आपको More than 100 proverb and quote की जानकरी पसंद आती है और इससे कुछ जानने को मिला और आप चाहते है दुसरे भी इससे कुछ सीखे तो आप इसे social मीडिया जैसे कि facebook, twitter, whatsapps इत्यादि पर शेयर भी कर सकते है.


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