Table of Contents
3000+ Verb in Hindi | Kriya in English Grammar
2701 | slither | लुढ़कना | slithered | slithered | slithering |
2702 | slobber | लापरवाही से काम करना | slobbered | slobbered | slobbering |
2703 | slop | डबरा | slopped | slopped | slopping |
2704 | slope | ढलान | sloped | sloped | sloping |
2705 | slouch | झुकना | slouched | slouched | slouching |
2706 | slough | केंचुली | sloughed | sloughed | sloughing |
2707 | slow | धीमा | slowed | slowed | slowing |
2708 | slumber | नींद | slumbered | slumbered | slumbering |
2709 | slur | कलंक | slurred | slurred | slurring |
2710 | slurp | घूंट | slurped | slurped | slurping |
2711 | smack | एक प्रकार का जहाज़ | smacked | smacked | smacking |
2712 | smash | गरज | smashed | smashed | smashing |
2713 | smear | धब्बा | smeared | smeared | smearing |
2714 | smell | गंध | smelled / smelt | smelled / smelt | smelling |
2715 | smile | मुस्कान | smiled | smiled | smiling |
2716 | smirch | बदनाम करना | smirched | smirched | smirching |
2717 | smirk | नखरे की मुस्कराहट | smirked | smirked | smirking |
2718 | smite | हराना | smote | smitten | smiting |
2719 | smoke | धुआँ | smoked | smoked | smoking |
2720 | smooth | चिकना | smoothed | smoothed | smoothing |
2721 | smother | गला घोंटना | smothered | smothered | smothering |
2722 | snarl | गिरह | snarled | snarled | snarling |
2723 | snatch | छीन | snatched | snatched | snatching |
2724 | sneak | उचक्का | sneaked | sneaked | sneaking |
2725 | sneer | उपहास | sneered | sneered | sneering |
2726 | sneeze | छींक | sneezed | sneezed | sneezing |
2727 | sniff | सूंघना | sniffed | sniffed | sniffing |
2728 | snook | सूंघना | snooked | snooked | snooking |
2729 | snoop | गुप्तचर | snooped | snooped | snooping |
2730 | snore | सोते सोते चूकना | snored | snored | snoring |
2731 | snort | फक-फक करना | snorted | snorted | snorting |
2732 | snow | बर्फ | snowed | snowed | snowing |
2733 | snuff | सुंघनी | snuffed | snuffed | snuffing |
2734 | snuffle | नज़ला | snuffled | snuffled | snuffling |
2735 | soak | डुबाना | soaked | soaked | soaking |
2736 | soar | ऊंची उड़ान भरना | soared | soared | soaring |
2737 | sob | सिसकी | sobbed | sobbed | sobbing |
2738 | sober | गंभीर | sobered | sobered | sobering |
2739 | sock | जुर्राब | socked | socked | socking |
2740 | soften | नरम | softened | softened | softening |
2741 | soil | मिट्टी | soiled | soiled | soiling |
2742 | solder | मिलाप | soldered | soldered | soldering |
2743 | solemnize | उत्सव मनाना | solemnized | solemnized | solemnizing |
2744 | solicit | मांगना | solicited | solicited | soliciting |
2745 | solve | हल करना | solved | solved | solving |
2746 | soothe | शांत करना | soothed | soothed | soothing |
2747 | sort | क्रम से लगाना | sorted | sorted | sorting |
2748 | sough | गंदा नाला | soughed | soughed | soughing |
2749 | sound | आवाज़ | sounded | sounded | sounding |
2750 | sow | बीज बोना | sowed | sowed / sown | sowing |
2751 | space | अंतरिक्ष | spaced | spaced | spacing |
2752 | spam | कचरा | spammed | spammed | spamming |
2753 | spare | अतिरिक्त | spared | spared | sparing |
2754 | spark | चिंगारी | sparked | sparked | sparking |
2755 | sparkle | चमक | sparkled | sparkled | sparkling |
2756 | spatter | छींटे | spattered | spattered | spattering |
2757 | speak | बोलना | spoke | spoken | speaking |
2758 | spear | भाला | speared | speared | spearing |
2759 | specify | उल्लिखित करना | specified | specified | specifying |
2760 | speed | रफ़्तार | speeded / sped | speeded / sped | speeding |
2761 | spell | बोलना | spelled / spelt | spelled / spelt | spelling |
2762 | spend | खर्च करना | spent | spent | spending |
2763 | spew | वमन | spewed | spewed | spewing |
2764 | spill | छलकना | spilled / spilt | spilled / spilt | spilling |
2765 | spin | घुमाना | span | spun | spining |
2766 | spirit | आत्मा | spirited | spirited | spiriting |
2767 | spit | थूकना | spat / spit | spat / spit | spitting |
2768 | splash | छप छप | splashed | splashed | splashing |
2769 | split | विभाजित करना | split | split | splitting |
2770 | splutter | कोलाहल | spluttered | spluttered | spluttering |
2771 | spoil | खराब करना | spoiled / spoilt | spoiled / spoilt | spoiling |
2772 | sponsor | प्रायोजक | sponsored | sponsored | sponsoring |
2773 | spoon | चम्मच | spooned | spooned | spooning |
2774 | sport | खेल | sported | sported | sporting |
2775 | spout | टोंटी | spouted | spouted | spouting |
2776 | spray | फुहार | sprayed | sprayed | spraying |
2777 | spread | फैलाना | spreaded | spreaded | spreading |
2778 | spring | वसंत | sprang | sprung | springing |
2779 | sprinke | sprinke | sprinked | sprinked | sprinking |
2780 | sprinkle | छींटे डालना | sprinkled | sprinkled | sprinkling |
2781 | sprout | अंकुरित होना | sprouted | sprouted | sprouting |
2782 | spurn | तिरस्कार | spurned | spurned | spurning |
2783 | sputter | धूम | sputtered | sputtered | sputtering |
2784 | spy | जासूस | spied | spied | spying |
2785 | squabble | झगड़ा | squabbled | squabbled | squabbling |
2786 | squall | तूफान | squalled | squalled | squalling |
2787 | squander | गंवाना | squandered | squandered | squandering |
2788 | squash | स्क्वाश | squashed | squashed | squashing |
2789 | squeal | चिल्लाहट | squealed | squealed | squealing |
2790 | squeeze | निचोड़ | squeezed | squeezed | squeezing |
2791 | squint | भेंगापन | squinted | squinted | squinting |
2792 | squirm | ऐंठना | squirmed | squirmed | squirming |
2793 | squirt | धारा निकलना | squirted | squirted | squirting |
2794 | squish | तोड़ो | squished | squished | squishing |
2795 | stab | छूरा भोंकना | stabbed | stabbed | stabbing |
2796 | stack | ढेर | stacked | stacked | stacking |
2797 | stage | अवस्था | staged | staged | staging |
2798 | stagger | लड़खड़ाहट | staggered | staggered | staggering |
2799 | stagnate | बहना | stagnated | stagnated | stagnating |
2800 | stain | धब्बा | stained | stained | staining |
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2801 | stalk | डाल | stalked | stalked | stalking |
2802 | stall | छोटी दुकान | stalled | stalled | stalling |
2803 | stammer | हकलाना | stammered | stammered | stammering |
2804 | stamp | टिकट | stamped | stamped | stamping |
2805 | stand | खड़ा होना | stood | stood | standing |
2806 | standardize | प्रमाण के अनुसार करना | standardized | standardized | standardizing |
2807 | stare | एकटक देखना | stared | stared | staring |
2808 | start | शुरू | started | started | starting |
2809 | startle | डराना | startled | startled | startling |
2810 | starve | भूखा | starved | starved | starving |
2811 | state | राज्य | stated | stated | stating |
2812 | station | स्टेशन | stationed | stationed | stationing |
2813 | stay | रहना | stayed | stayed | staying |
2814 | steal | चुराना | stole | stolen | stealing |
2815 | steep | खड़ी | steeped | steeped | steeping |
2816 | steer | रास्ते पर लाना | steered | steered | steering |
2817 | stencil | स्टैंसिल | stenciled | stenciled | stenciling |
2818 | step | कदम | stepped | stepped | stepping |
2819 | stew | मछली पालने का जहाज़ | stewed | stewed | stewing |
2820 | stick | चिपकना | stuck | stuck | sticking |
2821 | stiffen | ठोस बनाना | stiffened | stiffened | stiffening |
2822 | stimulate | उकसाना | stimulated | stimulated | stimulating |
2823 | sting | डंक मारना | stung | stung | stinging |
2824 | stink | बदबू | stuck | stuck | sticking |
2825 | stint | कार्यकाल | stinted | stinted | stinting |
2826 | stipulate | शर्त लगाना | stipulated | stipulated | stipulating |
2827 | stir | हिलाना | stirred | stirred | stirring |
2828 | stitch | टांका | stitched | stitched | stitching |
2829 | stock | भंडार | stocked | stocked | stocking |
2830 | stoop | गिर | stooped | stooped | stooping |
2831 | stop | रुकना | stopped | stopped | stopping |
2832 | store | इकट्ठा करना | stored | stored | storing |
2833 | storm | आंधी | stormed | stormed | storming |
2834 | straighten | सीधा | straightened | straightened | straightening |
2835 | strain | छानना | strained | strained | straining |
2836 | straiten | कष्ट देना | straitened | straitened | straitening |
2837 | strand | किनारा | stranded | stranded | stranding |
2838 | strangle | दबाना | strangled | strangled | strangling |
2839 | stray | भटका हुआ | strayed | strayed | straying |
2840 | streak | धारी | streaked | streaked | streaking |
2841 | streek | स्ट्रीक | streeked | streeked | streeking |
2842 | strengthen | को मजबूत | strengthened | strengthened | strengthening |
2843 | stress | तनाव | stressed | stressed | stressing |
2844 | stretch | खींचना | stretched | stretched | stretching |
2845 | strew | बिखेरना | strow | strewn | strewing |
2846 | stride | छलांग | strode | stridden | striding |
2847 | strike | हड़ताल | struck | struck | striking |
2848 | string | डोरी | strung | strung | stringing |
2849 | strip | पट्टी | stripped | stripped | stripping |
2850 | stripe | धारी | striped | striped | striping |
2851 | strive | कोशिश करना | strove | striven | striving |
2852 | stroke | आघात | stroked | stroked | stroking |
2853 | stroll | चहलक़दमी | strolled | strolled | strolling |
2854 | struggle | संघर्ष | struggled | struggled | struggling |
2855 | strut | अकड़ | strutted | strutted | strutting |
2856 | study | अध्ययन | studied | studied | studying |
2857 | stuff | सामग्री | stuffed | stuffed | stuffing |
2858 | stun | अचेत | stunned | stunned | stunning |
2859 | subject | विषय | subjected | subjected | subjecting |
2860 | submit | जमा करना | submitted | submitted | submitting |
2861 | suborn | ठगना | suborned | suborned | suborning |
2862 | subpoena | आकारक | subpoenaed | subpoenaed | subpoenaing |
2863 | subscribe | सदस्यता लें | subscribed | subscribed | subscribing |
2864 | subside | कम होना | subsided | subsided | subsiding |
2865 | subsist | गुजारा करना | subsisted | subsisted | subsisting |
2866 | substitue | स्थानापन्न | substituted | substituted | substituting |
2867 | substitute | विकल्प | substituted | substituted | substituting |
2868 | subtract | घटाना | subtracted | subtracted | subtracting |
2869 | succeed | सफल होना | succeeded | succeeded | succeeding |
2870 | succumb | मर जाना | succumbed | succumbed | succumbing |
2871 | suck | चूसना | sucked | sucked | sucking |
2872 | suckle | दूध पिलाना | suckled | suckled | suckling |
2873 | suffer | कष्ट सहना | suffered | suffered | suffering |
2874 | suffocate | दम घुट | suffocated | suffocated | suffocating |
2875 | suggest | सुझाव देना | suggested | suggested | suggesting |
2876 | suit | पोशाक | suited | suited | suiting |
2877 | sulk | मचलना | sulked | sulked | sulking |
2878 | sully | मैला करना | sullied | sullied | sullying |
2879 | summarise | सारांशित करना | summarised | summarised | summarising |
2880 | summarize | संक्षेप | summarized | summarized | summarizing |
2881 | summon | बुलाने | summoned | summoned | summoning |
2882 | sup | सुड़कना | supped | supped | supping |
2883 | supervise | निगरानी | supervised | supervised | supervising |
2884 | supplant | उखाड़ना | supplanted | supplanted | supplanting |
2885 | supply | आपूर्ति | supplied | supplied | supplying |
2886 | support | सहायता | supported | supported | supporting |
2887 | suppose | कल्पना करना | supposed | supposed | supposing |
2888 | suppress | दबाना | suppressed | suppressed | suppressing |
2889 | surfeit | अतिरेक | surfeited | surfeited | surfeiting |
2890 | surmise | शंका | surmised | surmised | surmising |
2891 | surpass | पार | surpassed | surpassed | surpassing |
2892 | surprise | आश्चर्य | surprised | surprised | surprising |
2893 | surrender | हार मान लेना | surrendered | surrendered | surrendering |
2894 | surround | चारों ओर | surrounded | surrounded | surrounding |
2895 | survey | सर्वे | surveyed | surveyed | surveying |
2896 | suspect | संदिग्ध व्यक्ति | suspected | suspected | suspecting |
2897 | suspend | निलंबित | suspended | suspended | suspending |
2898 | sustain | कायम रखना | sustained | sustained | sustaining |
2899 | swaddle | लपेटना | swaddled | swaddled | swaddling |
2900 | swagger | अकड़ | swaggered | swaggered | swaggering |
2901 | swallow | निगलना | swallowed | swallowed | swallowing |
2902 | swarm | झुंड | swarmed | swarmed | swarming |
2903 | sway | बोलबाला | swayed | swayed | swaying |
2904 | swear | कसम खाना | swore | sworn | swearing |
2905 | sweat | पसीना | sweated | sweated | sweating |
2906 | sweep | झाड़ू लगाना | swept | swept | sweeping |
2907 | sweeten | मीठा | sweetened | sweetened | sweetening |
2908 | swell | सूजना | swelled | swelled / swellen | swelling |
2909 | swelter | उलझन | sweltered | sweltered | sweltering |
2910 | swill | खंगालना | swilled | swilled | swilling |
2911 | swim | तैरना | swam | sum | swimming |
2912 | swing | झूला | swung | swung | swinging |
2913 | swirl | ज़ुल्फ़ | swirled | swirled | swirling |
2914 | swish | बेंत की मार | swished | swished | swishing |
2915 | switch | बदलना | switched | switched | switching |
2916 | swoon | बेहोशी | swooned | swooned | swooning |
2917 | swoop | झपट्टा | swooped | swooped | swooping |
2918 | swot | परिश्रम से अध्ययन करना | swotted | swotted | swotting |
2919 | symbolize | प्रतीक | symbolized | symbolized | symbolizing |
2920 | sympathize | सहानुभूति रखते हे | sympathized | sympathized | sympathizing |
2921 | systematize | सुव्यवस्थित करना | systematized | systematized | systematizing |
2922 | taboo | निषेध | tabooed | tabooed | tabooing |
2923 | tabulate | समतल | tabulated | tabulated | tabulating |
2924 | tack | कील | tacked | tacked | tacking |
2925 | tackle | जूझना | tackled | tackled | tackling |
2926 | taint | कलंक | tainted | tainted | tainting |
2927 | take | लेना | took | taken | taking |
2928 | talk | बात करना | talked | talked | talking |
2929 | tame | टेम | tamed | tamed | taming |
2930 | tamper | छेड़छाड़ | tampered | tampered | tampering |
2931 | tank | टैंक | tanked | tanked | tanking |
2932 | tantalize | बहुत कष्ट पहुंचाना | tantalized | tantalized | tantalizing |
2933 | tap | नल | tapped | tapped | tapping |
2934 | target | लक्ष्य | targeted | targeted | targeting |
2935 | tarnish | कलंकति करना | tarnished | tarnished | tarnishing |
2936 | tarry | बासना | tarried | tarried | tarrying |
2937 | taste | स्वाद | tasted | tasted | tasting |
2938 | tattle | गपशप | tattled | tattled | tattling |
2939 | tattoo | टटू | tattooed | tattooed | tattooing |
2940 | tax | कर | taxed | taxed | taxing |
2941 | taxi | टैक्सी | taxied | taxied | taxiing |
2942 | teach | पढ़ाना | taught | taught | teaching |
2943 | tear | आंसू | tore | torn | tearing |
2944 | tease | चिढ़ाना | teased | teased | teasing |
2945 | teem | टीम | teemed | teemed | teeming |
2946 | telegraph | तार | telegraphed | telegraphed | telegraphing |
2947 | telephone | टेलीफ़ोन | telephoned | telephoned | telephoning |
2948 | televise | टेलिवाइज करना | televised | televised | televising |
2949 | tell | कहना | told | told | telling |
2950 | temper | गुस्सा | tempered | tempered | tempering |
2951 | tempt | लुभाना | tempted | tempted | tempting |
2952 | tend | झुकाव होना | tended | tended | tending |
2953 | tender | नाज़ुक | tendered | tendered | tendering |
2954 | term | अवधि | termed | termed | terming |
2955 | terminate | बर्खास्त | terminated | terminated | terminating |
2956 | terrify | ख़ौफ़ में डालना | terrified | terrified | terrifying |
2957 | test | परीक्षा | tested | tested | testing |
2958 | tether | बांधने की रस्सी | tethered | tethered | tethering |
2959 | thank | धन्यवाद | thanked | thanked | thanking |
2960 | thaw | पिघलना | thawed | thawed | thawing |
2961 | thieve | चुराना | thieved | thieved | thieving |
2962 | think | सोचना | thought | thought | thinking |
2963 | thrash | पीटना | thrashed | thrashed | thrashing |
2964 | thread | धागा | threaded | threaded | threading |
2965 | threat | धमकी | threated | threated | threating |
2966 | threaten | धमकी देना | threatened | threatened | threatening |
2967 | thresh | ताड़ना | threshed | threshed | threshing |
2968 | thrill | रोमांच | thrilled | thrilled | thrilling |
2969 | thrive | फलना | throve / thrived | thriven / thrived | thriving |
2970 | throb | धड़कन | throbbed | throbbed | throbbing |
2971 | throttle | गला घोंटना | throttled | throttled | throttling |
2972 | throw | फेंकना | threw | thrown | throwing |
2973 | thrust | जोर | thrusted | thrusted | thrusting |
2974 | thump | प्रहार | thumped | thumped | thumping |
2975 | thunder | गड़गड़ाहट | thundered | thundered | thundering |
2976 | thwack | प्रहार | thwacked | thwacked | thwacking |
2977 | thwart | विफल | thwarted | thwarted | thwarting |
2978 | tick | सही का निशान लगाना | ticked | ticked | ticking |
2979 | tickle | गुदगुदी | tickled | tickled | tickling |
2980 | tidy | साफ | tidied | tidied | tidying |
2981 | tie | बाँधना | tied | tied | tying |
2982 | tighten | कस लें | tightened | tightened | tightening |
2983 | till | तक | tilled | tilled | tilling |
2984 | tilt | झुकाना | tilted | tilted | tilting |
2985 | tire | थका देना | tired | tired | tiring |
2986 | titter | मुंह दबाकर हंसना | tittered | tittered | tittering |
2987 | toast | सेंकना | toasted | toasted | toasting |
2988 | toboggan | टोबोग्गन | tobogganed | tobogganed | tobogganing |
2989 | toddle | लड़खड़ाते हुए चलना | toddled | toddled | toddling |
2990 | toil | कठिन परिश्रम | toiled | toiled | toiling |
2991 | tolerate | सहन करना | tolerated | tolerated | tolerating |
2992 | toll | टोल | tolled | tolled | tolling |
2993 | toot | हार्न | tooted | tooted | tooting |
2994 | torment | यातना | tormented | tormented | tormenting |
2995 | torrefy | पक्का करना | torrefied | torrefied | torrefying |
2996 | torture | तकलीफ देना | tortured | tortured | torturing |
2997 | toss | उछालना | tossed | tossed | tossing |
2998 | total | कुल | totalled | totalled | totalling |
2999 | totter | लड़खड़ाते हुए चलना | tottered | tottered | tottering |
3000 | touch | छूना | touched | touched | touching |
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